Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentation

  • Ensure that the total length of the presentation, including a 5-minute discussion period, is within the allocated time slot.
  • Remember that the projector aspect ratio is 16:9. Adjust your presentation slides accordingly to ensure optimal display on the screen.
  • Use colours with care, as some colours may not stand out effectively against others. Choose high-contrast colour combinations for better visibility.
  • If you use non-standard fonts, save your presentation in PDF format with embedded fonts. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the correct display of your presentation.
  • Presenters are required to upload their presentation in PDF format to their profile page (List of abstracts) no later than the day before their scheduled presentation.
    • The PDF version of your presentation will be used during the session.
    • This means that if you have any video or animation, it is necessary to prepare it as a separate file (.avi, …) in advance. Please send it to Martin Urban (or Ondrej Nentvich) at least one break earlier.

Poster presentation

  • Poster contributions should be of A2 paper size and portrait orientation.
  • The entire poster layout should be readable from one meter away.
  • Use colours with care, as some colours may not stand out effectively against others. Choose high-contrast colour combinations for better visibility.
  • Posters should be uploaded in the PDF format to the relevant profile page.